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Jun 20, 2005


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Michael Kruse

Rodger Sellers said...
Wow! What a metaphor! (I haven't even finished reading the post.)

The flood wasn't so much a pissed off God having "had it up to here" as it was a surgeon saving the body from self-destruction. (Assuming I'm seeing your interpretation correctly.)

To be sure, no one ever taught me that one in seminary, but sure does make sense (both faithfully and logically.)

Gotta get back to finish your post!


June 20, 2005 11:39 AM

Michael Kruse

Michael W. Kruse said...
Cool! I'm glad this connects.

I have become aware of just how much I miss in Scripture because I read it through Western individualist eyes. When I read it as a God's desire to create and be in loving community with an entire race that fills the globe, it takes on a whole new meaning for me.

I suspect that anger and wrath was involved but I also suspect that God was also deeply mournful and filled with sorrow. He let humanity go right to the brink before saving a remnant.

June 20, 2005 1:41 PM

Michael Kruse

will spotts said...
The flood echoes the expulsion from Eden. There is a way in which refusing to let man and woman eat the fruit of the tree of life in their fallen state is an act of mercy. It is a limit to sin -- and even from their perspective it is perhaps a limit to the bitterness of that life -- I mean a life of spiritual death with perpetual physical existence through some kind of technicality seems that it would make humans kind of like Satan.

Thanks also for the perspective on creationism.

June 22, 2005 6:48 AM

Michael Kruse

Michael W. Kruse said...
"There is a way in which refusing to let man and woman eat the fruit of the tree of life in their fallen state is an act of mercy." Great insight Will! Thanks for this. I suspect this thinking has application elsewhere in the OT.

June 22, 2005 4:13 PM

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