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Jun 30, 2005


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Michael Kruse

will spotts said...
You raise interesting (if problematic) issues here.

I take, "If with all your heart you truly seek Me, you shall ever surely find Me," as a promise.

Personally, I'm not sure how to apply that -- I would never tell someone or suggest that they didn't need Jesus as Savior, and I don't believe people are saved apart from His work.

I'm also aware that we can't priviledge knowledge -- so that knowledge becomes the work people do in order to be saved.

The other danger you mention is equally real -- to assume because I claim Jesus that I am free from illusions. Jesus himselfs dispells this when He says "Not everyone who says to Me, Lord, Lord . . ."

July 05, 2005 7:17 AM

Michael Kruse

Michael W. Kruse said...
Problematic indeed! Don't know who it was that originally said it, but there is a axiom that says, "God is not limited to a means of grace but we are." We have only one gospel to preach, Jesus Christ. That says nothing either way about the eternal fate of others. I suspect that those who know God outside the Christian context will recognize Jesus when introduced. There are countless stories of cross-cultural missionaries having this experience.

Bottom line, I don't think it is our business to be evaluating the eternal destiny of others. We are to give witness to the one who makes the makes eternal life possible and give witness agianst the "eternal present" of human cultures.

For me, personal application means focusing on my own disillusionment in an effort to be a better witness. The same for my fellowship of believers. It means dealing with non-Chritstians with respect and realizing that God may have something to teach me through them. They may be his means of disillusioning me even as I give witness to the reality of the story he is unfolding in history.

July 05, 2005 8:09 AM

Michael Kruse

will spotts said...
Thanks for this.

I have great trouble putting this into words because it ends up being a fine distinction.

It is kind of like the story of Cornelius -- which has something to thwart most theological understandings.

July 05, 2005 8:38 AM

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