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Jul 15, 2005


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Michael Kruse

will spotts said...
I have greatly appreciated this series.

A couple I would suggest: as a corollary to "The primary means of destroying the loving relationship is to trap humanity into seeing a false image of God and flaming the passion within us to be our own gods. We become deluded in our minds." -- One thing that makes us more susceptible to this is adding to or taking away from what God says. This shows up with Eve, but also with the partial obedience of Cain (offering A sacrifice, but not the right one), Abram (going to Haran).

Related to that it emphasizes the necessity of trusting God. What God told Noah and Abraham to do was not reasonable or logical. It didn't fit with their plans. He didn't even tell Abram where he was leading him. There seems to be a tension between belief and disbelief or trust and its lack. Abraham fathers a child with Hagar because he doesn't really trust. Yet he offers Isaac because he does.

July 21, 2005 12:46 PM

Michael Kruse

Michael W. Kruse said...
Thanks for the great insights, Will. I once heard it said that liberals destroy God's call by taking aways from it and conservatives destroy it by adding to it.

I am not done yet with illusion and I expect my globalization thread to weave back in to this topic.

July 21, 2005 6:41 PM

Michael Kruse

will spotts said...
"I once heard it said that liberals destroy God's call by taking aways from it and conservatives destroy it by adding to it. "

That's a lot more accurate than any of us really want to admit.

July 21, 2005 8:11 PM

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