There was a meeting recently between Emergent Christians and a group of Jews calling themselves "Emergent Jews" sponsored by Synagogue 3000, an organization working to revitalize Judaism. Emergent Jews is an article about the event published in The Jewish Journal of Greater Los Angeles.
At this point, anyway, the dialogue is just beginning. The first date is over, and now both groups must decide whether to lean in for the kiss, as Synagogue 3000 research director Landres put it. The Jewish leaders say they would like to meet again — but next time, just among themselves. They need to get to know one another before they can collaborate with emergent Christians, they say.
As for Emergent coordinator Jones, he said he would like a second date. “But,” he added, “I think it’s more up to [the Jewish emergents] than it’s up to us.”
I'm going to send this along to my friend who is a Messianic Jew, and see what she has to say about this. She has some very interesting thoughts on being Jewish, and then obviousy on being Jewish and a believer in Jesus as Messiah as well.
Posted by: Steph | Jan 29, 2006 at 02:39 PM
Thanks for the link. I'd been wondering if there was any kind of parallel movement among Jewish worship leaders.
Posted by: purechristianithink | Jan 29, 2006 at 07:20 PM