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Jan 31, 2006


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I wrote about the Special Commission of 1925 in the northern Presbyterian Church in the Machen years. One of the most prominent members was Mark Matthews, who was always described as pastor of the "largest church in the denomination, Seattle's First Presbyterian," which had 8,000 members. I visited Seattle a few years ago, and could not see how that building, large though it is by the standards of the '20s, could hold such a congregation. Then I read in Dale Soden's biography of Matthews that the 8,000 members included all the members of Seattle First, plus all the members of its many daughter churches. This was not illegitimate, as the pastors and elders of all of these congregations met weekly for Bible study and marching orders from Matthews. Still, multi-site churches in that part of the world are not new.

Michael Kruse

Fascinating! Thanks for sharing this. I wonder how many other stories there of American churches doing this in past decades? I am going to pass this on to some others I know will be interested.

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