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Jul 28, 2006


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Dana Ames

Thank you.
Structure in itself is not evil; it is a tool that is meant to serve people. The problem comes about when people become a tool to serve the structure, and/or when people invest so much power in upholding a structure that the structure becomes an idol.


Michael Kruse

Tom Skinner talked about this as the ministry versus the monster. Structure is the servant of vision and mission, not the master.

Ted Gossard

Thanks much for this. I appreciate the thought that structures of church government should be flexible according to the mission engaged in. That it should be flexible according to what works in that culture. Evidently, if what you're saying here is right, and the NT does bring a kind of ambivalent fluidity here, then there is freedom in this area. And good for emergents who are usually (I would think) not tied down to any one structure.

To really understand our calling as the priesthood of believers. I think the Biblical emphasis on that is as the dispersed community into the world. But I think we tend to look at it largely as applying to our gatherings.

Michael Kruse

"To really understand our calling as the priesthood of believers. I think the Biblical emphasis on that is as the dispersed community into the world. But I think we tend to look at it largely as applying to our gatherings."

These three sentences pretty much capture my whole critique. Thanks Ted!

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