One of the things I like about living in Kansas City is some of our religious quirkiness. I took these pictures while out and around recently to show what I mean.
This prayer booth is just outside the front door at Rivercity Community Church and right on the street, not far from where I live. I drive by it almost daily, it seems. I have been there a few times, and I have friends who attend there.
This is a big influential church in the Kansas City Area. The name comes from the fact that it is located in a development called the “Country Club Plaza.” In addition to Country Club Christian Church, there is also a Country Club Methodist Church and maybe a few others I am unaware of. Even though I know the reason for the name, I still never quite get used to it. Every time I drive by, Peter Gabriel’s song “Big Time” starts playing in my head.
...And I will pray to a big god, as I kneel in the big church.
Big Time, I'm on my way I'm making it, big time, oh yes...
Finally, there is this interesting sign (To the right. I have blurred the phone number.) that you will find off I-70 as you are coming into Kansas City from the east near the Jackson Ave. exit.
I am told that this school graduates more PCUSA ministers than Princeton and Fuller combined. *grin* I have always thought this would be the place to go if I wanted to get a theological degree. After all, surely they don’t care about material things like money.
What a hoot! Love the prayer booth "instructions."
Posted by: Quotidian Grace | Aug 21, 2006 at 03:57 PM
I does seem original. I haven't seen one any where else.
Posted by: Michael Kruse | Aug 21, 2006 at 08:41 PM
This reminds me of some of the churches names we run into in the labels we slap on boxes at RBC Ministries. Some real doozies, at least to our ears.
Wish I could think of one, but can't.
Posted by: Ted Gossard | Aug 22, 2006 at 07:36 PM