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Dec 09, 2006


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I'm amazed how much "energy" is spent on this kind of "wars" in the west. Aren't people like MacArthur tired? I am.

Michael W. Kruse

Me too, Sivin. But as you know, America was the dumping ground for the crooks and malcontents who couldn't get along in the "Old Country." I think it is in the genes. ;)

Seriously, I don't see the point in spending lots of time fighting. Some conversation around the issues is good but I think our energy needs to be discerning and acting on vision, not trying to stop everyone else's vision.

Ted Gossard

Well...MacArthur will say some nice things, then he'll mop up the mess he thinks he sees.

He's in such a different world than those he's critiquing that his critique, for any good in it, will largely fall on completely deaf ears.

Michael W. Kruse

While I guess I am an Evangelical in a mainline denomination, one of the reasons I have tended to distance myself from Evangelical denominations and organizations is the quasi-Pope like status granted to charismatic teachers. It really disturbs me.

Ted Gossard

Michael, Good point. This following of charismatic leaders bothers me too and does seem to be important to a good number of evangelicals.

To clarify my comment, I mean it will fall on deaf ears of those he is critiquing. While those under his influence will certainly take in every word.

Michael W. Kruse

"To clarify my comment, I mean it will fall on deaf ears of those he is critiquing. While those under his influence will certainly take in every word."

I understood you here, Ted, and I agree.

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