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Aug 07, 2007


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Denis Hancock

I've seen this for years. Young adults stop coming for years, and then (often when their first child is baptized) they return, and may become quite active.

These guys seem to have quantified it to a degree.

Dana Ames

If it's only about "buying in to church life" the majority surely are not going to stay.

Is "becoming active" in church all we want for people?

I guess I'm too much of an idealist.

Michael W. Kruse

I agree about not getting confused about our mission as "buying into church" and I agree that "becoming active" can be misleading. On the other hand, I know from research over my adult life that the single best determinant of whether or not a professed Christian will behave differently from Sunday is whether or not they attend church weekly. I think the link is to connect people with God and community and out of that flows a desire for corporate worship, not the other way around.

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