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Sep 06, 2007


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Oh, the irony.

Michael W. Kruse

I thought the same. It comes down to a choice, assuming you fully embrace the notion that catastrophic global warming is happening:

Do you want to fry or do you want to glow? :)

I think nuclear power is probably about the quickest way to reduce CO2 emissions. Now just watch. About 100 years from now we will have learned that CO2 wasn't a significant issue but half the human population and half the world species die from a nuclear power meltdown.


Dana Ames

I'd write a letter, but a) I don't know where it should go; and b) I don't think anyone would listen.



Michael W. Kruse



"... but half the human population and half the world species die from a nuclear power meltdown."

Or 1/4 the population will have died from mercury poisoning because we all switched to fluorescent light bulbs...

Or from massive famines because all the grain harvest has gone to ethanol production...

Oh, the irony!

"The Spirit and the bride say, 'Come!'..."

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