I'm still learning new things about this blogging stuff. Last June, Neil Craigan of Broken Bonds/Loosed Chains fortune and fame had a post where he noted nearly a 50% drop off in hits at his blog since the end of May. I had noticed a drop of about one-third by the end of June.
I started blogging in June of 2005, and no one knew I existed for a few months, so this has only been my second summer of blogging. My theory was that the drop-off was due to school summer break and that come Labor Day, like the swallows of San Capistrano, they would all come flocking back. Well, this week, the daily rates are back up to the levels of early May. From what I can tell, the increased frequency of hits appears to come from search engines. Students researching assignments?
Anyway, I was wondering if others have had similar experiences or have insights into this phenomenon?
That's why we all major in scandal and name calling through the summer months. Otherwise our visits would be really in the gutter. Of course, this begs the question of why we of all people are still blogging when everyone else is enjoying the summer months.
Weekends are also slow. And Christmas.
Posted by: Lingamish | Sep 07, 2007 at 11:36 AM
My hits drop by about half during weekends. I've noticed the plunge during major holidays as well.
"...the question of why we of all people are still blogging when everyone else is enjoying the summer months."
LOL. I'm enjoying the summer months. I'm blogging from the patio instead from inside.
Posted by: Michael W. Kruse | Sep 07, 2007 at 02:26 PM