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Oct 29, 2007


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Ted M. Gossard


Yes, we can even talk a good talk yet then walk a lousy walk on this. We must purposefully seek to put this to practice in "little" as well as big ways. But wouldn't that require a revolution of thinking? To do so would risk losing it all. Maybe incrementally and over time it would surely work.

Ted M. Gossard

By the way, Michael, good stuff.

Michael W. Kruse

Thanks Ted! This about the fourth time I've recycled all or part of this article at my blog. I think this issue is more debilitating than must of us realize.


Agreed, debilitating it is but i find that the majority of us are frightened of the chaos that may result if this last defense of orthodoxy is allowed to lapse.

The other question of course is what will happen to our seminaries and to our professionals in this new environment?

Fear of the unknown on all sides keeps us frozen in our tracks even when we know that we are distorting the body of Christ!

Michael W. Kruse

Change is indeed an unnerving experience at times. But I think God likes to get on our nerves sometimes. :)


There are lots of reasons for people to resist this change. One that's been on my mind recently is that it will require us to address the actual role and call of those who are, now, the "ministers". In many large/mega churches, those folks are facilities managers, marketers, and program developers. Is that what they want to be? Is that what they are called to do?

Hard questions, but maybe they ultimately lead to a new freedom and calling for our professional pastors?

Michael Kruse

David, pastors are very much abused in our present system. Something like 80% of pastor report that they have no close friends. Meanwhile, people they are to lead place unrealistic expectations on them.

There are some pastors who are doing what they do for a variety of wrong reasons but my experience is that pastors are the ones with the strongest yearnings for things to change.

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