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Oct 24, 2007


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Ruud Vermeij

Great series! Great review post too!

(Note, you didn't update the series index with this post yet.)

Michael W. Kruse

Thanks Ruud. Good to hear from you.

Yes, I can't link a post until it is published. I get the post ready and then set it to post at a future hour, which has been 5 a.m. for most of these. Later in the day (if I remember) I go back and link the post to the index.

Only three or four more posts to go!



thanks for all your efforts on this series.
i have read each idividual post and learned a lot.

I think one of the most powerful messages that has come through is the MISSIONAL focus of texts you have looked at.

I believe THIS is the constant "trans-cultural" challenge for us as we do 'life' and are 'church' today. How as Christians are we revealing God's love and grace and power (the gospel) to those who 'watch' our lives...

Many thanks

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