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Nov 12, 2007


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Charles @ ReformationUCC.org

Dan Kimball made an excellent point. Historically (i.e. short term last decade or so), emerging and emergent divided.

Emerging means "classical beliefs" expressed in a culturally relevant way.

Emergent was a later split off where even the classic beliefs were up for grabs or radical redefinition.

I don't know if all the participants themselves keep that strict morphology, but that historical reference was enlightening for many.

It would make Kimball and Driscoll "emerging" and MacLaren and Pagitt "emergent".

Michael W. Kruse

I think there are hues between and within the two categories but as a broad observation I think it has merit. I'm not that on board with Driscoll or McLaren but I do find pockets of good conversation in the emerging church world.

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