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Nov 22, 2007


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Not real fooball or rugby, Michael.
Those two guys on the right are suited up like the softies who play American football.

Michael W. Kruse


When I was in high school in the 1970s I used to watch Franz Beckenbauer on "Soccer Made in Germany" on Public Television. I played on my college team as well as on teams through grad school. "Soccer," real football, is my first love.

Kansas City is considered the captial of "tailgating" where folks gather the parking lot hours before the Chiefs game and Bar-B-Q, drink beer, and just hang out with folks.

I see a nice Bar-B-Q in the back left of the picture and the two guys in the back right appear to found a couple of beers. It seems to be 400 year old tradition.

Quotidian Grace

If it's New Mexico, where are the tamales?

Happy Thanksgiving, Michael.

Michael W. Kruse

I think the tamales are in the pan in the lower left. :)

Happy Thanksgiving to you.

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