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Dec 01, 2007


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Bro...I am so sorry. I hope Isaac gets over it soon.

But what a day! #1 and #2 fall...again! And it's looking ugly in the first quarter with UW and Hawaii. I really want Hawaii to win (and, more honestly, I really want the Huskies to lose...) so that there can be one undefeated team left standing....

I am happy, however, that Arizona State won, as did USC and Oregon State. Wow...what a bunch of amazing games.

I'm exhausted just thinking about it! The only one I saw was USC beating UCLA...and when I left off, Mizzou was still ahead, so I don't know what happened.

Who knows what the BCS standings will look like in the paper tomorrow!

Michael W. Kruse

This is about the most bizzare seasons I've ever seen. No big deal for me about Mizzou. I was just wanting a Big 12 team in the BCS final. I have know idea how this works out but I suspect Ohio State is now in the final.


Well, Hawaii woke up in the 2nd quarter...and now its 3rd quarter and they only trail the Huskies by 1 touchdown...but I gotta go to sleep....

This will go down in history as THE most bizarre season, you watch. Unbelievable!

Oh. My. Goodness!


...and they did it! What a day the BCS gurus are going to have, trying to sort through the melee, eh?

Now we'll just have to see how the Seahawks dare against the Eagles...seems that today, football is for the birds! ;^)

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