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Feb 26, 2008


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Reading those quotes from Meeks, who I've never read before, has me flabbergasted. Huh?!? Has he read the Book, especially those first few chapters, the "sweat of your brow" stuff? Certainly scarcity comes from human sin, including human injustice. And in many places in the world, human injustice may be the preponderant cause. But "in almost all situations in human life?"

I've been involved in Christian communities for quite a while and been close to (though never a member of) various common-purse communities, both in the US and overseas. Wonderful people with an amazing love of Jesus. For many of them, I hope they'll invite me to their homes in heaven, because they are going to be living in some REALLY nice mansions, considering the lives they live on this side. I would doubt if any of these folks I know, especially the leaders, would say that the occasional (or common) scarcities that occur are primarily the result of injustice, at least not in a macro sense.

Even closer to home, I guess I do live in a Christian community, i.e. my family. Normally when there are scarcities, it's primarily because of my greed, lack of willingness to live within my means, lack of faith in the Father's provision, and lack of thankfulness for what the Father has given me (which is a lot!). Then there are the other members of the family on top of that. We're all sinners. Funny how much more motivated I am to go to work and not surf the web all day when there are mouths depending on me to be fed.

Yes, I guess could say my actions are primarily because of human injustice. If my father had raised me better and loved me more and disciplined me correctly, I would handle my money better and be more disciplined, right? I probably lived there for my twenties and thirties. Thankfully, my heavenly Father has freed me from that lie. Unfortunately, my earthly father, whom I loved deeply, lived under the curse of that lie his whole life.

Grace and generosity are amazing things, and the Father's provision is infinite. Learning to give to the poor is central to us loving Jesus. We cry out with Amos, “…let justice roll down like a river…” I have not read Meeks, so maybe I am taking what he is saying out of context. But instilling in the poor attitudes or beliefs such as Meeks mentions in the quote you cite is like giving an anchor to a drowning man.

That's not what "anchor of my soul" is supposed to mean.

Michael W. Kruse

A wonderful testimony, Anon. Thanks so much.

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