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Mar 28, 2008


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Thanks for one of the best summaries I've seen on the issue of environmental stewardship. It is extremely well balanced.

Sadly, I wonder how many people will quit reading before the end, deciding from perceived code words that you are either on "their side" or "the other side," so therefore they know what you're about to say.

But thank you for your patience in faithfully blogging on this issue. I'm sure it can get somewhat frustrating, especially as one who tries to look honestly at the facts and at scripture rather than "taking sides." I bless the heart you have for the poor and the Kingdom. Indeed you show a very generous orthodoxy.

"He who is kind to the poor lends to the LORD, and he will reward him for what he has done." Proverbs 19:17

Michael W. Kruse

Thanks for those words of affirmation, Rob. As you might discern, I have some passionate feelings about these issues.


Michael...I couldn't find the link to the TED presentation by Lomberg... :^(


...but other than that, thanks so much for continuing to be the voice of moderation in my circle in the blogosphere. :^)

Michael W. Kruse

Thanks Peggy. I'm not sure what happend with the link but I think it is working now.


Okay, now I'm really feeling dumb... but in this sentence I don't see a link anywhere. Help!

"To close this post, I've included Lomborg's twenty minute TED presentation that covers some of the points made in this post."

Should I look elsewhere? The only TED video I found was just under 17 minutes from 2005 where he placed Global Warming on the bottom of the priorities list for where to start making the world better. Is that the right one?


Michael W. Kruse

Sorry Peggy. There should be a video box below the sentence you quoted. Double clicking on that box activates the video. But it appears that you found the video at TED.

Yes. He is saying the Kyoto type solutions of trying to reduce emissions of existing technologies has very minimal impact for an extremely high cost. In "Cool It," he makes the case that efforts should be put into replacement technologies (some research funded by a carbon tax?) and that we should look for ways to get solutions into the pipline faster. Extensive mitigation of technologies will do little to to halt CO2 concentrations and suck money away from much bigger "bang-for-the-buck" problems like malnutrition and AIDs.

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