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Mar 12, 2008


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I enrolled in an ungraduate sociology paper many years ago, but switched to economic history at the last minute. Now I know why.

Are you sure the two paradigms are lenses. They sound more like dark glasses to me. :-)

On a more serious note, you say, "According to the biblical narrative there is no perfect shalom until the New Creation. Given that, on what basis does one conclude that a present reality is not the optimal that can be realized relative to other achievable alternatives?"

The first sentence is correct, but it does not mean that we cannot move closer to shaloam prior to the new creation. With regard to second sentence, sure the vision of shaloam is the standard against when any present reality or achievable alternative must be critqued.

Our problem is not that we cannot know what true justice is, the problem is how to get there when we live in a fallen world.

Of course, we can be wrong about the nature of justice. If the justice of the social progressives or liberationalists is just another domination then it is not true justice.

Michael W. Kruse

The second sentence was not meant to imply that we can't move more closely toward shalom but rather to highlight epistemological problem of know whether or not we are.

I’m trying to highlight a tension that should dispel us as finite and fallen human beings of hubris. We move forward sensing that things ought to be better than they are but in the face of complexity and our carnal agendas can we trust that we have accurately discerned the right changes to make? In social science terms, we are ever in danger of Type I errors, "Rejecting a course of action that would have made things better," or Type II errors, "Accepting a course of action that does not make things better, or more often, makes them worse." Hubris tends to increase our chances of making either error.

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