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Apr 12, 2008


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thanks for the comments on my blog...good food for thought. I appreciate it.



Good stuff. It is frightening that this stuff is being widely read.


I frankly find McLaren's work frightening. My only hope comes from the fact that scholars in major universities and think tanks who actually work on these issues and try to solve the real on the ground issues raised by global economics won't be reading it.
(Sorry if that's too snarky, I am venting a bit I guess.)

Michael W. Kruse


I love the generations stuff. I think you are raising important questions.

Ron and Peter

Resisting snarkiness is my ever present battle reviewing this book and I fear I'm not always succeeding. I’m highlighting the points I find most troubling but my most common emotions oscillate between exasperation (particularly with the caricatures) and confusion. Apart from his neo-Malthusian and “save the environment” convictions I can’t get a clear read on what he envisions as the world we should strive for (other than the most abstract virtues.) I just know that the present is probably the greatest dystopia the world has ever known. :)


I found this book of McLaren's to be the most confusing of all his books. He's treading into water that is to deep for him and fails to make a convincing argument for his case.

Michael W. Kruse

I think he would have done well to have a variety of folks who've wrestled with these issues a little more offer some critique. It might have clarified the issues better in the book so we could better grasp what his salient points are.


"What I have described above is not capitalism!"


I think you may want to put this in a large, bold font. This is the part that many people don't understand.

On the other hand, I think DeSoto doesn't understand how hard it is to implement the principles he promotes. Just snapping one's fingers, or passing a law, doesn't do it. It takes a cultural (and moral) reform in a country. This is the area that McLaren could and should be speaking to. This cultural transformation is happening around the world with the church often at the cutting edge. Unfortunately, it seems Brian trapped in a 1960's "narrative." Also, it seems that too many organizations are implementing what they think are free market reforms and wondering why they are not seeing the fruit they expect.

Thanks again for presenting this stuff.

Michael W. Kruse

Thanks or your comments, Rob.

Actually I think De Soto does tend to highlight how monumentally difficult this is. He points out that (at least at the time he wrote the book) the way property rights and the legal system evolved in the US, happened so serendipitously that it is hard to piece together a history of how we got to where we are, much less advise others. Our understanding is so integral to how we think we find it hard to see how unique our perspective is. There are serious cross-cultural hurdles that have to be overcome. I think you are about the role the church can play.

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