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Apr 07, 2008


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"Frankly, I see this as a caricature of modern economies."

From the outside looking it seems like McLaren has shifted from a calm sifting of facts to espousing an ideology. I find that sad.

Michael W. Kruse

The book is 300 pages and I'm only selecting certain passages. He gives some qualification to some statements he makes but I do experience the book as overly ideological. To me, there is a pattern of creating caricatures and then setting up Emerging Christianity as the salvation.


Trees can be made into idols.
Perhaps we should start a campaign to get rid of all trees.

Tshwarelo eseng Mogakane

"I became poor so you can become rich," Jesus Christ.

"Whatsoever you want, ask in my name, and it shall be given unto thee," Jesus Christ.

Christ is the power of God for those on earth. God gives us the Christ to make wealth, to attain health and to expand in every way.

Michael W. Kruse


Good point! :)


I think it is important to keep these scriptures in context. 2 Cor 8:8-9

"8 I do not say this as a command, but I am testing the genuineness of your love against the earnestness of others. 9 For you know the generous act of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, so that by his poverty you might become rich. …"

Poor Christians from Macedonia with were giving generously to an offering for those in need. Paul was testing the much wealthier folks at Corinth to see if they would be as generous. This was not a promise of material gain but rather a call to live as Christ did and be willing to give up gain for the sake of others.

Gof does give us what we ask but it is within the context of a relationship to God where we have been transformed into desiring the things God desires. Desiring the things of God can lead to great hardship and material deprivation. Did Jesus become materially wealthy?

I think too many Westerners and missionaries have falsely communicated that other folks should be content to just live in subsistence poverty and be content with the lot God has given them, instead of holistically seeking redemption in terms of just and economically productive communities. But I think there is a real danger in believing that God’s mission on earth was simply to make us rich in material goods.

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