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Jul 11, 2008


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Bruce Reyes-Chow

Micheal - SOFTBALL? I have been an avid player for most of my life. Baseball in HS, fast-pitch softball during college and then slowly C league slow pitch. Have hung up the cleats the past few years for golf and church, but great to learn a bit more about you. Hmmmm . . . GAC Ballers?!?!?!? Let's get Linda out there on the diamond!

Michael W. Kruse

I've always loved baseball but have not had very good eye and hand coordination. Can't through worth a hoot. I'm in a slow-pitch coed city league and frankly we stink, but we have a great time.

I seem to have much better eye-foot coordination and that led me to four years of soccer in college, three years of intramural leagues in grad school, and indoor soccer after that. However, 20 years and 25 more pounds later I couldn't play soccer if I had to. :)

I'm up for a GAC team. We could have a round robin league with OGA, Foundation, and Middle Governing Body Execs. and clerks. :)

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