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Oct 10, 2008


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Michael Krahn

Your Newsweek link doesn't work:


Extra "ht" at the beginning.

Also, tried to email this info to you and the mail got bounced.

Michael W. Kruse

Thanks Michael. I fixed the link. I couldn't get access to my own email earlier this morning but that appears to have been repaired.


It's part of the agenda: undermine the moral fabric and the rest is easy. I haven't connected all the dots yet, but I believe that one of the starting points is Gramsci - one of his main ideas was to undermine the idea of the family, undermine the concept of marriage, ...

Physical weapons won't defeat us, but we're ill-prepared for the psychological and spiritual assault (which has been going on for years).

Michael W. Kruse

I don't know how much it is part conscience agendas but it clearly the consequence of actions.

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