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Dec 31, 2008


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Great series. I think this series is a key to the way God wants us to live in His Kingdom.

Michael W. Kruse

Thanks Mickey. It took waaay longer to process than I intended but there it is nonetheless.

William Apel

I agree with Mickey. This is a great series. Too bad that the folks at

"Presbyterian Washington Office"

who send irregular Presbyterian Witness in Washington Weekly posts have such an opposite point of view.

PS Love the Girl Effect also. Both fall witin my concept of Classical Liberalism

Michael W. Kruse

Thanks William.

As to the Washington Office, what we need is a "market demand" for alternative views to be represented in our social witness policy. Nothing prevents us from forming our own networks. Then we actively and civilly engage those we disagree with in the formal structures as partners instead of adversaries. That is where change comes from.

Rick McGinniss

Agreed that this is a great series. I'll probably steal some of it for a sermon series later this winter - with proper attribution, of course. :)

I also came across an interesting article that talks about the spiritual dimensions of economic and cultural transformation in Malawi. Maybe you saw it:


Michael W. Kruse

Thanks Rick. And thinks for the link to the article. I saw that as well. Good stuff!

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