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Jan 08, 2009


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Carla Gentry

Dylan addresses his 'Jesus years' in vol. 1 of Chronicles. Having read vol 1 of Chronicles (and anxiously awaiting vol. 2) I do not believe this was just a phase but his faith has matured and is more subtle. My primary introduction to Dylan was Slow Train, when the Associate Pastor of the church were I grew up used it to discuss faith. It was the beginning of a Dylan fan. I grew up on 'da range, as did Dylan and like Dylan, I left never to return. As for his music, there is so much poetry and often he gets quoted in a sermon. Slow Train is still one of my favorite albums of his, it is a wonderfully crafted album.

Michael W. Kruse

I agree. I think it was more than a phase. I see things reflected in later music. STC is a masterpiece. He may not be the best voice but what a poet.

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