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Apr 03, 2009


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Quotidian Grace

Woo-hoo, we're number two!

Michael W. Kruse

I've been to Houston. Are you sure more people is a good idea? :-)


I am surprised that Philadelphia is in the top 15.

That Las Angeles though -- those girl angels are just so enticing. :-)

Michael W. Kruse

I love it. I didn't catch that one. This is an image from a table in the pdf of the U-Haul corporate press release.

See ... I'm not the only one who can't spell. :-)

Viola Larson

My husband told me a story to day that set me wondering. A customer this last week told him he looked for just the right piano for his house and found one in Texas. He then flew to Texas and saw the piano. Liked it, bought it and rented a u-haul truck and moved it to California. Now I wonder how many of those U-haul trips were that kind of story and had nothing to do with moving somewhere. (I have to add this was not to Sacramento , but a smaller town in the Mountains.

Michael W. Kruse

Interesting question. I'm willing to bet that the great majority of U-Haul rentals from one metro to another are people moving. And for the small number that aren't, I suspect they might influence the total number of rental events but not change the percentage distributions for destinations.

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