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May 20, 2009


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Rick McGinniss

Very interesting, and affirming of something I've noted in my own experience.

My wife and I have three daughters (and no sons) all in their 20s now. I'm certainly not liberal in my political views, but the church I planted 15 years ago does have female pastors on staff, something I would have never expected back then.

Coming out of seminary, I had never really wrestled with the "women in ministry" question. I was decidely in the all-male leadership camp, a position that came by default from my teenage years in a conservative Baptist church. But when women with strong pastoral gifts kept showing up, I had to research it and I concluded that both sides of the question had great (biblical) answers, and that I wasn't smart enough to figure out who was right. So, I went with the yes-to-women position.

I'm pretty sure that having three little girls at the time helped me to be open to it.


We have three daughters and no sons... hmmm... so this is why I think like I do!

Michael W. Kruse

It would be interesting to know what happens to those who end up without children.

Another stat I've seen is that single young women tend to be the most politically liberal. yet when they marry, political views often moderate considerably. Don't know how that ties in either.

Travis Greene

Interesting. I wonder if people with sons and daughters are more moderate.

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