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May 19, 2009


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I don't know if this is the best approach or not, but I like the idea of cutting out the self-important NGO bureaucrats:)

Joe Palmer

John, We all want to help the poor. The story is great and inspiring. However one story does not prove the point.

I could tell you the story about how in 1980 I was hired by the census bureau to do work because the manager couldn't get the workers he was forced to hire off of welfare to work and he couldn't fire them. So they gave him more money to hire people who would.

I could go to downtown Atlanta and do a study of how homeless people who panhandle money spend it. You will find the save it to buy drugs and alcohol.

Studies have been done about how people who were poor and won lotteries faired. They for the most part lost it. They don't make good choices.

That is my point. What your study revealed is the character of the people in Zambia, not which form of aid is best. It is the ethics of the person, and their values that will determine how they spend money.

We in America have built an entire culture of people who due to no fault of their own have learned to manipulate the system to survive. Welfare enslaves people. Howevr, we can help people learn and live a better way of life.

Michael W. Kruse

Joe, I think your observations point out why three is no one-size-fits-all solution to poverty at a global level. Different contexts require different apporaches.

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