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Jul 27, 2009


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Travis Greene

The framework hypothesis tends to flatten Genesis into "just" a story (this is usually by the sort of unimaginative people who think reading anything but nonfiction is a waste of time). But nothing is ever just a story, even when it is a story. Just as no sacrament is just a symbol (contra my Baptist upbringing), even when it is a symbol.

Objective, factual accounts are not the only way to convey truth. In fact, they are not even the best way for many kinds of truth.

Michael W. Kruse

And I keep returning to the fact that we are "listening in" on conversation between God and the ancient folks. The stuff was not written directly to us. Walton does a great job (not well captured here by me) of getting us into the mindset of the ANE people as they hear the story. It is out of that that we gain context and insight.

Dana Ames

Does he reference Margaret Barker's work in his biblio? She is an English Methodist who has written extensively on the meaning of the Jewish temple and temple worship, and says much that is like this. He sounds like he has read Barker, but if not, that is just confirmation for me that she's on the right track.

Barker did much of her work before she ever went to an Orthodox liturgy. When she finally did attend one, she was flabbergasted at all the connections.

John Burnett, where some of Barker's articles can be found, is a friend of mine- and also a big fan of NT Wright.


Michael W. Kruse

I don't see any mention of Baker. The authors he mentions at the end of the chapter on this topic are:

G. K. Beal, Victor Hurowitz, Jon Levenson, J. Lundquist, Moshe Weinfeld, Gordon J. Wenham.

Seems to me I've heard cosmic temple idea before but I don't recall where. What is powerful about Walton's presentation is his ability to us free from material ontology to see how this relates the cosmic temple idea.

Thanks for the link.

Travis Greene

The material vs. functional ontology distinction reminds me of the scene in Voyage of the Dawn Treader where they meet the old star-man. Eustace tries to tell him that in his world, stars are giant balls of burning gas. His reply is that even in Eustace's world, that is not what stars are, but merely what they are made of.

Michael W. Kruse

".. that is not what stars are, but merely what they are made of."



I have just finished the book. It's a wonderful read. Quite gripping as well. Reminds me of Vern Poythress's 'Redeeming Science".

It would be good to other leading theologians respond to Walton.

It is certainly a landmark book. I have always thought something was missing from existing interpretations.

Michael W. Kruse

Glad you found the book as helpful as I did.

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