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Sep 02, 2009


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Carla Gentry

One of the Elders at my church has suggest that our Presbytery take on the tradition of many of the other not-for-profits in our fair city and hold a gala or a dinner or a ball. She suggests that we pick some community leader, not necessarily a Presbyterian, and honor them, sell tickets and tables and raise funds like other not-for-profits. It really puzzles her why we don't this. It's an intriguing idea, but does not fit well with traditional ideas of stewardship. This is my 'other' idea. Prayers for you and the rest of the Council as you face difficult funding decisions next week.

Alan Wilkerson

I served a church in Nevada for six years and always felt we should be quarter slots in the back couple of pews and dollar slots up center.

You still had "change people" with these old heavy belts full of coin and we figured the ushers were to old to carry them. :)

Chuck North

As long as we're going back to our roots, we could go with pew rentals. Or church taxes?

Travis Greene

Wow. Is this a situation in which I can actually use the word "antidisestablishmentarianism"?

Michael W. Kruse

I was also thinking we could really go retro and do indulgences.


Yes, but don't use it in front of small children.


Thanks. Prayers are welcome.

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