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Sep 29, 2009


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Suzanne Gorhau

Wonderful! A well-designed website has such potential. Sharing our stories and videos, and connecting with people is exactly what I'd want in our PCUSA website. The current website has been frustrating for me to use since the beginning. Can't wait for the new one.

Michael W. Kruse

You aren't the only one, Suzanne. I think the website has the potential to significantly improve our communication linkages throughout the denomination. May only wish is that it could be done sooner but it is a massive project.


This is good news! Any peeks you can give us of the new site? :)

Michael W. Kruse

Sorry. All they have at this point is some test pages that bring you in through the front door and on to some basic features. We strongly warned not distribute URLs. I do suspect, however, we may see pieces of this role out prior to GA. I'm not promising anything.

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