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Sep 21, 2009


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Travis Greene

"Health Care Will Never Be Equal"

This is a straw man. Of course it won't. Neither will education. Who cares? Doesn't mean we aren't morally obligated to guarantee a certain minimum level of each, and it certainly doesn't mean that it's not in our collective best interest to handle both issues on a societal level.

We aren't talking about a total equalization of outcomes. We are talking about people dying of cancer because they failed to disclose a yeast infection, or diabetic kids having to re-use needles.

Michael W. Kruse

I don't think it is straw man but I do agree with you distinction. I think we need to find a way to take of basic health care cost in a cost effective way. Part of what dis driving up costs is the attempt to make very expensive procedures available to people who can't cover the economic costs. Mankiw is offering an extreme example to illustrate the the problem that is emerging. It is one piece, not the only piece, of the health care cost problem.

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