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Jul 14, 2010


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Jay Wilkins


It was an honor & a joy to work with you at the GA. God's speed with this new phase of your journey leading the PCUSA.

Michael W. Kruse

Thanks Jay. It was a real pleasure working with you. It was a good committee. Please keep the GAMC in your prayers.

Alan Wilkerson

Good luck brother. May our Lord be with you in this task. However, I have no idea why anyone would want it. LOL


Steve A

Congrats and God bless you Mike!

Dan Anderson-Little

I'm late to this post, but nevertheless, I want to wish you well in this important leadership. Your love of Jesus and the church (with all of its flaws), and your keen mind and willingness to ask hard questions will serve us well. You are in my prayers.

Dan Anderson-Little

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