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Mar 05, 2012


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As a new university professor I'm both a little excited and a little concerned by this story. I'm excited by the idea of democratizing higher education and doing things to reach more and more people.

On the other hand, I really do feel like people benefit from the person attention and community that comes from in-person classes. That's part of the reason wanted to teach at a small university where I can have 15-30 students in most of my classes instead of a big state university with hundreds.

So I hope that we can develop an educational ecosystem that allows for both easy access to education material and "value-added" university experiences.

Michael W. Kruse

I hear ya. It seems to me that some subjects lend themselves better to an online approach and others would be significantly diminished by doing so. Don't know what the answer here is but welcome to a brave new education world. ;-)

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