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Dec 21, 2012


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Perhaps if what it means to be male could expand in churches as much as what it means to be female has expanded since the Civil Rights movement, male participation could have room to increase. Otherwise females will rightfully "enter the market of leadership," which has traditionally been cornered by men. Hard to expand masculinity when you have books like John Eldridge's wildly popular "Wild at Heart" and sermons from the likes of Mark Driscoll shrinking what it means to be a man. :(


Thanks for this, Michael. Denying self and submission are challenging for everyone; I think women just have more practice...and submission to God bring more love and freedom as we live in the life of Jesus.

This does not mean, however, that women's ideas of service and leading are necessarily better or more aligned with God's will. Lots of poor theology about God and their interaction with their Eikons ato go around....

Until men and women relinquish control back to God, the power struggles will continue and the strength of the Kingdom will continue to wane. But God remains faithful in their cHesed toward us, and patiently waits and watches for the return of each person from their "far country" -- the road seems longer for some than for others, eh?

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