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Jan 26, 2013


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Some thought (back then) that the industrial revolution would free us from the burden of toil, so hat we would all be free to beocome philosophers, to write poetry and music and think lofty thoughts.

That didn't exactly work out as planned, but this new Information Revolution will surely do that, when all the dirty jobs (and all the rest) are done by machines.


Regarding 8, it was often interesting to me while doing my Environmental Science degree that often times the professors, who worked with the scientific literature and data, were often more moderate than their students (on both the left and right sides).

I remember one biology prof talking about work she did in Indiana with deer overpopulation. Some students were quite shocked to learn she had recommending "culling" to control populations. Others were equally shocked to learn that she supported the reintroduction of wolves into some of their previous natural habitats.

I think a great many people come to environmental issues generally already decided, and well before science is ever involved. I guess it's just human nature to decide first and justify it later.

Michael W. Kruse

I think it is human nature. It takes discipline and energy to check our inclinations and seek understanding. That is why I think science is such an important part of a liberal arts education. It gives the tools that facilitate critical thinking and learning. But the will to use them has to be cultivated as well.

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