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Feb 22, 2013


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How about Johnny Cash's "One Piece at a Time?"


Also think I'd add Springsteen's "Youngstown"

Michael W. Kruse

Both great nominees. My nominee for number #1


How did the miss the Seven Dwarfs and Heigh Ho?

Viola Larson

"one's on the way" came just as I was in the midst of raising my six children. I love that song. But there is an old hymn my sister used to sing to me when we were doing dishes as teens, and she always made me ma: ), "Work for the night is coming."

Viola Larson

I meant mad.


Or better yet, Whistle while you Work.


Ask any Australian and only one song comes to mind: 'Working Class Man' by Jimmy Barnes.


Michael W. Kruse

Thanks, Cameron. I hadn't heard that one.


If you're ever in Australia it's kind of important! In fact, it turns out the words to our National Anthem fit the tune of 'Working Class Man' quite nicely, and it's not uncommon to hear the anthem sung that way.

(There is a US connection: whilst it is associated with Jimmy Barnes, it was written by Jonathon Cain from Journey. That's about as American as you can get!)

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