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Apr 20, 2013


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3. I don't think sermons are obsolete, but I do think we need to be serious about what they are good for. Sermons, like a lot of university lectures these days, are not primarily about deep learning. The lecture/sermon itself is about 1)getting people motivated to study the topic and 2) getting people on the same page when it comes to the language of the discussion. A good sermon is not necessarily one where I learn a lot of theology, it's one that gets me excited about digging into the Bible and helping my neighbor.

5. Getting a PhD isn't crazy, but it's not for everybody. I think the first thing to think about is, "do I need a PhD to do what I want to do?". In my case it was so I did it. People need to be realistic though. PhD does not necessarily equal more pay and better job security.

Michael W. Kruse

I think you analysis of sermons is probably right on.

And I agree about PhDs. It varies considerably by field. But I do suspect that over the next 10-20 years we may see other forms be "credentialed" and the PhD in may realms may not have the allure it once had. We'll see.

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