Calmly Considered is a videocast hosted by Allan Bevere. Below are links to videocasts he and I have done on topics relating to economics and Christianity. The list is in reverse chronological order.
Calmly Considered Videocasts
Global Living Conditions-- Better Or Worse?
Immigration-- The Biblical Witness And Current Challenges
How The Church Fails Businesspeople
Race In America-- History, Story, And Changing Faces
Socialism vs. Capitalism-- Getting Beyond The Memes
Economics, The New Testament, And The 21st Century
Scarcity Or Abundance-- Which Is Our World?
Free Speech and Cancel Culture
The Demise of Democracy and the Rise of Authoritarianism
Christian Nationalism - Christ AND Caesar?
Student Loan Forgiveness And Thinking Christianly
The Mid-Term Election And Voting As A Christian
Should Christians Participate In Black Friday?
The Sport of Gambling-- Should Christians Take the Bet?
Does Social Security Have A Future?
Global Population-- Will It Become Standing Room Only?
The Mainstream Media-- Purveyors Of Truth Or Peddlers Of Propaganda?
A Discussion On Deconstruction
Managing Tensions, Or How To Keep From Making Stupid Arguments
The Supreme Court--Guardians Of The Constitution Or Judicial Legislators?
Does Character Count? Does Virtue Matter?
The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict