Allocation Of Limited Resources
Exploring the necessity of markets for coordinating societal and global economic activity. (2010)
American Social Indicators, 2007
Review of indicators about societal well-being in the U.S.A. as of 2007. (2008)
Distinguishing between consumption and consumerism and why it matters. (2009)
How prosperity emerges from humanity's natural state of poverty. (2008)
Economic Fallacies Christians Believe
Common fallacies Christians make when theologizing about economics. (2007-2008)
A look at distributive, commutative, and remedial justice, as components of economic justice. (2005)
Thoughts on what economic abundance is and principles for guiding our experience of it. (2007-2008)
Must Everything Change? - Brian McLaren
Deep dive and critique of the book. (2008)
Self-Interest And Benevolence: Partners, Not Antonyms
Exploring misunderstandings about self-interest (versus selfishness or egoism) and why it matters. (2009)
The Value Of A Person Versus The Value Of Labor
Resisting both economism and theologism, and while embracing both economics and theology.
Why Don't Theologians & Economists Get Along? (Unfinished series.)
Exploring the tension between the field of economics and Christianity. (2009)
Review of indicators about global well-being as of 2007. (2008)
Religion and Theology
1001 New Worshiping Communities (PCUSA) - INDEX
Videos about innovative Presbyterian Church, U.S.A., congregations. (2012)
An Evangelism Apologetics Fusion - Index
Exploring how evangelism and apologetics intertwine, and how both are frequently misunderstood.
"Discovering Biblical Equality: Complementarity Without Hierarchy" (Book Discussion)
Chapter reviews of the book's essays regarding the role of women in the family, church, and the world. (2006)
Explores Genesis as a story of God dis-illusioning humanity so God may be truly known. (2005)
Reflection on the nature of the Emerging Church movement. (2005)
End of the World - Christopher Wright
Review of Christopher Wright's thoughts on eschatology in The God I Don’t Understand. (2009)
A brief reflection on eschatology. (2006)
Household Of God and Fictive Family
A survey of the entire Bible looking at the use of household and fictive family as metaphors for the relationship between God and humanity, with detailed analysis of the Lost Sheep, Lost Coin, and Compassionate Father (Prodigal Son) parables, and the household codes. (2007)
Imago Dei And The Material World
Humans are made for a material world both in the present and in the new creation. Explores the implications.
Interpreting The Bible - Kenneth E. Bailey
Summarization and review of a DVD series by Dr. Kenneth E. Bailey. (2008)
Analysis of the Jubilee described in Leviticus 25 and its theological significance. (2005)
Thoughts on what economic abundance is and principles for guiding our experience of it. (2007-2008)
An intensive review of Dr. Kenneth E. Bailey's look at the Parable of the Compassionate Father (Prodigal Son) in Luke 15, through Middle Eastern eyes. (2005-2006)
Making the Best of It: Following Christ in the Real World (Book discussion.) - Dr. John Stackhouse
In-depth chapter-by-chapter review of the book and its case for Christian Realism. (2009)
Mission - What is our Business?
Reflections on what "mission" is. (2005)
Must Everything Change? - Brian McLaren
Deep dive and critique of the book and its economic assumptions. (2008)
Making the case that "kleros" (clergy) refers to the whole people of God some of whom are called to specialized responsibilities regarding care for the community. There is no laity. (2005)
Redemptive-Movement Hermeneutic
Presentation of the hermeneutic championed by William J. Webb. (2005)
Exploring how science and theology work together to build understanding and wisdom. (2005)
The Active Life: A Spirituality of Work, Creativity, and Caring - Parker Palmer
Chapter-by-chapter discussion of the book and the author's reflections on spiritual formation, integrating both contemplative and active life. (2013)
Chapter-by-chapter discussion of the book and its case for rethinking mission and what we mean by "laity." (2007)
Reflections on science and public policy. (2007)
Exploring how science and theology work together to build understanding and wisdom. (2005)
Social Science
American Social Indicators, 2007
Review of indicators about societal well-being in the U.S.A. as of 2007. (2008)
The Big Sort: Why the Clustering of Like-Minded America Is Tearing Us Apart - Bill Bishop
In-depth book discussion about how America became so polarized. (2009)
Reviewing the work of William Strauss and Niel Howe on generational cycles. (2005)
Chapter-by-chapter review of the book looking at how we navigate disagreements in the Church, with applications beyond the Church. (2006)
Review of indicators about global well-being as of 2007. (2008)
Review of indicators about global well-being as of 2016. (2017)
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