I just finished a book about globalization. I thought I would summarize the author's basic understanding of globalization. I will have more about this book in later posts.
The World is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-First Century
Thomas L. Friedman analyzes the key factors driving the global economy and politics. In the book's first half, he identifies ten factors he believes are "flattening" the world. Then he suggests three ways these factors are converging to reshape the world. In the book's second half, he analyzes how this will impact America, developing countries, corporations, and geopolitics.
1. 11/9/89 When the Walls Came Down and the Windows Went Up
The Berlin Wall came down on 11/9, marking the end of competition between free markets and global communism. Borders were opened. People, goods, and capital were freed to flow over a much greater portion of the world.
Windows 3.0 was released six months later, allowing people to access computer technology through a graphic interface. Anyone could learn to use a computer without knowing programming languages.
2. 8/9/95 When Netscape Went Public
Netscape developed the first full-scale mass-distributed web browser and went public on 8/9/95. Until the web browser, one had to learn cryptic Unix code to access information on the internet. The web browser made the storage and retrieval of information on the internet seamless.
3. Work Flow Software
There was a time when a business might have customer service using one computer application, manufacturing another, and distribution yet another. Often these applications could not interface with each other. Workflow software came along and created a seamless integration of applications and computers.
4. Open-Sourcing. Self-Organizing Collaborative Communities
Microsoft, Netscape, Oracle, Sun, and IBM (to name a few) spent millions of dollars developing Web server software. Who won out? Not these folks. The University of Illinois' National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) was where the initial software code written for today's Web environment came from. As the NCSA became overwhelmed with internet growth, an online community of computer "geeks" collaboratively wrote patches and made improvements. The software was free for anyone to take and modify as long as they acknowledged the underlying NCSA contribution and shared any improvements with the rest of the community. This made the technology open and available to anyone with programming knowledge and ensured an ever-improving Web environment.
5. Outsourcing Y2K
India had developed some of the best technical schools in the world in the last half of the 20th Century. Still, because of a socialist bureaucratic economy, there were never enough technical jobs. Only a small minority of technicians could go to the US or Europe for jobs. Most of these MIT equivalent trained professionals were resigned to whatever work they could find, which was usually way below their skill level.
A decade ago, a worldwide concern developed about computer software that registered dates as two, rather than four, digits. It was feared that on 1/1/2000, that computers would read the day as 1/1/1900, and thereby cause massive computer failures. Fixing these problems was an enormous undertaking requiring an army of technicians.
Meantime, fiber-optic cable had been laid around the world in anticipation of a dot.com bonanza and India could now connect to US computers by high-speed internet. When the dot.com bubble burst, millions of miles of cable were sitting virtually unused and available for almost nothing.
US corporations who had been skittish about doing business with Indians before changed their tune. With the recent technology and a cheap reservoir of technicians, the Indians were the best hope. The venture worked. The experience was highly profitable and effective for everyone. An ever-expanding effort has been made ever since to take advantage of untapped human resources in areas like programming, technical support, customer service, and back-room activities in any number of industries.
6. Offshoring.
China joined the World Trade Organization on December 11, 2001, which meant they were obligated to follow the standards of other nations in trade. Because of an enormous untapped cheap labor pool, corporations have been willing to move large numbers of labor-intensive manufacturing operations to China. (This is different from outsourcing, where a corporation may "outsource" one function of their operations to another location.)
7. Supply-Chaining.
Walmart is one of the biggest and best examples of a company that has worked to create as friction-free an environment as possible, from extracting raw materials to placing a product in a customer's hands. Because of their purchasing volume, they virtually dictate price and quality standards. They compel seamless integration into their supply chain and thus with each other. Their competing suppliers and direct competitors are compelled to meet Walmart's standards to compete. This story is repeated across several industries.
8. Insourcing.
UPS once delivered only packages. Now they do things like repairing laptops at their distribution hubs and logistics for Papa John's Pizza. They help even a small company have a big presence anywhere in the world. No need to create a supply chain because UPS will be that for you. Even large corporations find the global shipping and logistics issues too complex and have invited UPS and similar companies into their back offices to run certain aspects of their businesses.
9. In-forming.
Google, Yahoo!, MSN Web Search, and the like are on the way to creating a world where anyone with access to a computer can find out anything anyplace. Search engines allow for information to be queried in ways that are only limited by the imagination of the inquirer.
10. The Steroids. Digital, Mobile, Personal, and Virtual
Digital, mobile, and personal devices have made access to information and communication more accessible than ever before. Some devices can access satellite-delivered data even in relatively underdeveloped regions with undependable power. Virtual meetings allow people half a planet apart to experience being in the same room.
Convergence I
The combination of the ten factors led to the iterative and accelerating development of new technologies and collaboration without regard to geography, distance, time, and increasingly language.
Convergence II
The reshaping of business practices and cultures that facilitate and maximize the use of new technologies and collaborations.
Convergence III
The incorporation of the half of the planet that is still largely untouched by the "flattening" of the world. Thereby tapping even more creativity and innovation.